Thursday, December 3, 2009

I want my makeup to look amazing

i have loads of stuff with me....i wanna do smokey eyes i think and i have red lipstick as i wana look vampy.

so in my makeup bag i have all the basics...great foundation concealer etc....dark eyeshadow, green glitter, liquid and pencil black eyeliner a colour eyeshadow palette....

plus i have quite heavy eyelids and big eyes.

help...give me tips...I want my makeup to look amazing
if you wan to look lips, lots on eyeliner all over eye, lots of eye shadow...unless you have matte light bronzer...or blush...conceal the heck out of the needed areas, such as your under eyes...and foundation!!!!

So classic and Vampy :DI want my makeup to look amazing
Don't over do it is my biggest piece of advice. You can always add more but its a pain to take it all off again!!

The higher your blusher goes up along the cheek bones the more structured and the bigger your eyes will look and generally vampy.

Put eyeliner at the corner of your eye and gently sweep along the eye and keep going and then blend out the eyeliner.

Mascarra should be applied on the end only of the lashes and the outside of the eye too.

A nuetral colour on the eyes and then a nice green on the edge of the eye should make your eyes look bigger. Also a ';dot'; of colour in the inside corner of your eye will make you look dead sexy!

Lip liners that don't match the colour of the lipstick are a big NO NO NO! Its far to 80's and just wrong. Vampy doesn't have to mean in your face, sutble, sexy and full coloured lips will look a hell of a lot better.

Hope this helps, have a play but don't over do the foundation.
theres two looks you could go for, firstly keep the eyes simple and use your liquid eyeliner to do big thick lines with flicks to give a cats eye effect, finish off with tonnes of mascara and red lipstick, the focus will be more on your lips with this look.

If you want to go for smokey eyes, start off by applying a light grey base shadow all over your lid, then work in a darker grey or black eyeshadow along the lash line, and up into the crease of your eye, and blend in, put a small amount of the darker shadow under the bottom lash line and smudge. finish off with a sweep of eyeliner on the upper lid and lots of mascara.

when using a lot of shadow be careful as you may find a lot falls off the brush and ends up on your cheeks, and you'll have to redo your foundation, so put a tissue on your cheek when applying and blending. try applying some highlighter just under your eyebrows to lift the eye, and it'll stop the eye make up from looking so harsh.

keep bronzer and blusher to a minimum as you don't want to end up looking like a clown, when wearing both strong eyes and stong lips. you could also try false eyelashes for the wow factor, just make sure that you apply plenty of eyeliner, and work your shadow into the area were the lashes are stuck to your skin to avoid any gaps in colour

hope this helps :)
Once you have put on your foundation, use bronzer instead of blusher on the cheeks - i find it blends more.

Get rid of the green glitter, liquid eyeliner and stick to the blacks greys and silvers/whites in your eyeshadow pallet.

Select three colors from your pallete.

In the corner of your eyes use the darkest (it doesn't matter if it is messy - neaten it up later) then the other color (not the lightest).

Use the lightest color for under the eyes and use a tiny bit in the corners.

Then use your eyeliner pencil on the bottom.

Good luck for tonight!
You should either do the red lips with natural looking eyes or smokey eyes with natural lips.

Don't do both, too much makeup is unattractive.

I think you should do smokey eyes! One mistake with smokey eyes is using black over your whole eyelid. Use grey to cover your eye and then only put black in the outer corner and half way across the crease. Line the top of your lid with liquid eyeliner and smudge some pencil eyeliner on the bottom of your eyes

Just make sure you start with a clean face. Make sure you apply your foundation evenly. For the smokey eyes, you want to first apply dark eye shadow around the whole eye, and the secret is to BLEND! If you do a great job blending the shadow, it will look awesome. Then, top the shadow with black liquid liner. Don't forget to curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara! Doing this will open your eye up more! Finish with red lips and a light pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. Also, a light shimmer across the cheek bones and brow bone is always a good thing to do.

Good Luck!
uhm i'd stay away from the green glitter, but just do like a gray eyeshadow from the eyelash to the crease of you eye, and then to make it smokey put the dark shadow halway across your eye from the middle to the back of it. put a LOT of mascara on. and the use eyeliner, on your upper eye, and lower, don't be scared to put too much. and if you need to use the green glitter put a little on the edge of ur eye, and use like a light white or light gray all the way up to your eyebrow line above the darker grey. that should bring out your eyes a lot. :)
Coming from someone with big eyes herself I say get a great mascara and some great colors to create the smokey eye.

I recommend:

Eye shadow: Loreal H.I.P. Great pigments and great shades for smoking.

Mascara: Covergirl Lash Exact, Blash or Volume Exact. (they are really really good!).

God luck!

try a light green under your eyes and with a green eye liner

use a blueish purplish color as eye shadow

and foundation and a little something to rosen up the cheeks a little
right first get a dark silver and cover eyes with it then get a brush and shade in black, then put on Liquid eyeliner and flick it out on the outer corners- blush the cheeks slightly and pale foundation-good luck
check out some youtube videos. they're very informative and fun to watch.
the guy won't be looking at your face...

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